Marginalized groups become increasingly vulnerable during emergencies. It is critical that that their voices are present and heard as responses to the COVID -19 crisis are being planned and implemented. Inclusive and robust processes of consultation and engagement will strengthen the efficacy of responses and ultimately the resilience of these groups and communities in the immediate and long term.
Community Work Ireland has produced a planning framework, based on a modified version of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, designed to assist community development organisations, state agencies, local development companies, voluntary groups and Local Authority Community Response Forums in planning to protect the health and wellbeing and ensure the resilience of those who experience the highest degree of socio-economic marginalization and social exclusion during the Covid-19 pandemic. It suggests a series of questions to ask about each marginalized group identified in relation to:
- Basic Physical Needs
- Safety
- Connections and Social Support
- Participation, Representation and Recognition
- Resilience
The planning framework is accompanied by a downloadable Word table that can be used for planning purposes.