CWC Annual General Meeting
The final Annual General Meeting of the Community Workers Limited trading as the Community Workers’ Co-operative took place on December 14th 2015 in the Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre. At the CWC officially changed its name to Community Work Ireland, continuing to work collectively to support and promote community work as a means of addressing poverty, social exclusion and inequality and advancing human rights.
Download the Annual Report here
We were sorry to see the departure from the Central Group of longstanding members, Helen Lowry, Sheilann Monaghan, Tommy Coombes and Juan Carlos Azzopardi. Our sincere thanks to all of them for their contribution and commitment and we look forward to continuing to work with them into the future.
We are delighted to welcome long standing CWI members Ronnie Fay (Pavee Point) and Mary O’Donoghue (Kilrush FRC) as new Central Group members and we really look forward to their input and perspectives at Central Group level.
The 2016 Community Work Ireland Central Group is;
- Áine Deeley
- Anastasia Crickley
- Jamie Gorman
- Joe Donoghue
- Mary O’Donoghue
- Mick Mooney
- Obert Mazaka
- Oonagh McArdle
- Patricia Brennan
- Ronnie Fay
- Sinead Smith
- Siobhan McLaughlin
- Siobhan O Donoghue